French creator of connected solutions

Celebrating 40 years!

For 40 years, we’ve been putting people at the heart of our business : our employees first and foremost by ensuring their well-being, then our neighbors, but also our department and our region (our products are designed, imagined, developed and manufactured in France), and more importantlyhuman beings by minimizing our environmental impact.

In 2023, we asked our employees to vote to define together the values that reflect who we are: humanity, innovation, team spirit, benevolence and humor.

PYRESCOM is part of the French Fab

We are proud to have been imagining, designing and manufacturing our solutions in France for 40 years. We have chosen to remain in the region where we were born: the Pyrénées-Orientales, and to participate in the development of our region. We welcome interns and work-study students from nearby schools to contribute to their training.

All of our
sectors of


Are you starting a Smart City project?
PYRESCOM provides you with innovative and sustainable solutions.

PYRES Business

Would you like to adapt to the changing world of work?
We facilitate time management and promote well-being.

PYRES Health

Would you like to monitor your defibrillators and your Indoor Air Quality?
Our solutions are recognized and benchmarked in their markets.

Bring your projects to life with PYRESCOM

Founded in 1984 in the Pyrénées Orientales region of France, PYRESCOM develops connected solutions for Smart City, Smart Health and Smart Enterprise.

As a data specialist, PYRESCOM imagines, prototypes, designs and manufactures its products in France.

Today, PYRESCOM has more than 8,000 customers in over 50 countries.

All news from PYRESCOM